The Christ Conscious Woman

Sis are you called to lead, to be an influencer, or entrepreneur. It is time to answer the CALL. 

In these next 8 Weeks sis we will build YOU as a leader and then help you to go out and LEAD OTHERS.

God has given you unique gifts, talents, and abilities to coach, influence, and lead others in the marketplace.

And sis the generational curse END WITH YOU. Your decision today can either create freedom or continue the bondage.

What will YOU do? 



Sis you are going to learn how to be Christ Conscious and raise your awareness so that you can now access the MIND OF CHRIST..

And another one

You are going to learn how to be an effective leader and build influence in a way that honors God. And allows you to work with major brands and high paying clients. 

And sis another one

Sis you will learn how to create content to your audience that allows you to connect with them, be more impactful, and market in a way that turns into recurring revenue. 

"Listen , when I tell you having a sis like Sis Takiya has been a JOY ! It’s been a pleasant experience with her and her ministry . I am so glad I pushed my self to greater success. And I couldn’t do it alone , thanks to her I have already implemented the steps we had planned and now I’m getting booked for consultations back to back and sales are continue to flow . "

Foodstamps To Millionaire

The Christ Conscious Woman

Sis I WANT YOU. Yes, do I understand that we may have to work through some trauma, some limiting beliefs, and your money mindset? Of course!

But see sis The Christ Conscious Woman is about you discovering that YOU have the mind of Christ. Success is written in this NEW IDENTITY that you received when you gave your life to Jesus.

And sis it has been long overdue for you to start DOMINATING in the marketplace. Sis aren't you gifted too? Aren't you favored as well?


SO let's go then sis...

Sis I Am Ready